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Complete the below form to apply for coaching.

The next set of questions is a pleasuremeter we will use to assess your sexual history. Rank each question from 1-5 with 1 being strongly disagree/highly dissatisfied and 5 being strongly agree/highly satisfied.

How well are you satisfied with the amount of pleasure you have received from your sexual experiences?How well are you satisfied with the amount of pleasure you have received from your sexual experiences?
How free do you feel to make choices regarding your sexuality?How free do you feel to make choices regarding your sexuality?
Out of all the things you have done with your sexual partners, how much did you consent to? Out of all the things you have done with your sexual partners, how much did you consent to?
How confident do you feel expressing yourself to your sexual partners? How confident do you feel expressing yourself to your sexual partners?
How would you rate the quality of your communication and negotiation with what you want and do not want to do with your partners?How would you rate the quality of your communication and negotiation with what you want and do not want to do with your partners?

Thanks for submitting!

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